Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Terrible Storm and Wind gave it "THE WHAT FOR" and well between that Storm and the kids just outgrowing it (TEAR TEAR) I figure my sweet kidos play set would be a great Coop... and I did not have to take it to the dump!
I think the kids out grew it and well I hate to let old things go to waste... Hence the Chicken Coop!
It will have a gutter system to collect rain water and keep it less muddy/messy in the area... An old window to let in light!
All Meshed Up!
Dumpster Dive??? Was looking for a country barn like cottage look... I know it is hard for many to invision but I promise NO SHANTY It will be Painted, have Flower Boxes, Hanging Baqskets and a full Flower Garden around it!

 Pallet Wood made a great Barn wood look for the front of the House ...WHO SAY A GIRL CAN"T CHANGE HER MIND... I originally wanted it this way...but thought I could not do it...WELL LOOK AT WHAT DA MOMMA CAN DO AFTER ALL... YEP Made my own doors PERFECTLY!!! Easy Egg Access!!! I also hated the gaps in the Window wall... I also made one on the back for the GIRLS to go out to there pin...
The Girls back door to the Play Yard!!! OK the Run!

My solution to the swinging door being Critter Proof and yet accessable to us! I just pull the rod out and pull the door open without ever entering the coop!!!

I added the feeder/trough any guess on what I used?
YEP piece of GUTTER on the left...

Made my Door for us HUMANS to access the coop for cleaning

Inside the coop still no roof but nest box almost complete window secure 3 1/2 walls , a 4 foot ROOSTING BAR  plus working doors!!!


Ok ... as I go i figure things out and have EPIPHANIES... the (ONCE ROD IRONDOORS)... is now a VEGGIE TRELLIS... soon home to squash and cucumbers! The cool thing is you can plant any low to the ground shade loving veggie (Like Lettuce) under your vine veggies on the trellis!!!!

YEP..THe NEw VENT/HATCH!!! LOVE IT!!! When I am not Loving something...you bet I will have to tear it down and do it again... I also Loved the clean/dark look so much I found an old can of CEADR Deck Stain in the Garage and went NUTS with it!!!

Hey the Back Door Pulley System works like a dream! No Sneaking in Roosters Girls!!!!

Working on the Landscape and YES that is a WINE CORK PLANT MARKER... IT SAYS WATERMELON..." Trellis Melons" Oh the Family will love this project after all!!! Everything Recycled!!!

360 Happy Hen House
Tools and stool hang on side of Coop, White Rope is for the Pulley  and
all we are missing are CHICKS!!!

Guess What???
Chicken BUTT!!!

My Girls Are HERE!!!!


So that is done now on to the next project...Still had some materials left from the old Playset so...I am now working on a Chicken Tractor to allow them to work the yard over for insects and my weeds... 2 Chickens at a time and rotate them... So everybody gets some fresh snacks and give us NICE EGGS!


Just barely a week old and already Ranging for Weeds and Bugs!!!!

Bubba is very interested in them or maybe thier TASTE???


Scratching and Pecking and loving every minute the Play Pen!


Looks like lots of FUN!

Learning to ROOST

Meet Joyceie Pearl

ALREADY Hierarchy

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I've been terrible with blogs...

OK Home School has been a wonderful treat for the whole family!
I have learned so much; how if you don't use it you loose it... so true... I have learned a lot about my expectations of life and Jay, how my expectations are valid yet sometimes I need to walk my talk... learned how to relax and accept things the way they are and how to adjust my expectation around that! I have enjoyed life much more the last almost 2 years now... wow how it has flown by!
I jumped into this HS thing clothes and all... to find out simple is better and more productive... I did not need to be my usual "Structured" self in the way of creating this Broadway Production called Home School Life.... I figured out after about 4 months Jay and I both were stressed beyond belief about this adventure... Fiends and family though supportive, made things rough at first!
Jay and I both felt like we were under a microscope with every thing we did...so we dismantled our ideas and that of the public, of what the expectations of Home School should be and started to rebuild our own Hot Rod version of that idea!!! I can say we are burning the wheels off this baby now....Jay tested out of what should have been his 2ND grade year as a proficient 3rd grade student! Jay's level of responsibility has grown leaps and bounds! I am able to create a daily lesson in advance for him and know that at 7am he will get up and begin his daily responsibilities with self motivation and his own initiative! He has house hold responsibilities along with his daily lessons. Jayson has been able to achieve these responsibilities daily by 10am! With little to no reminding on my part!
I actually thought that this year was Jay's shining moment to return to Public School while I found work and worked on photography more... God had another plan apparently!
After enrolling him in school with the anticipation of him attending Heritage Elm., this was not successful due to capacity issues. Although disappointing, at the same time I was offered a wonder opportunity to take Respite Care training and continue care taking for a former student of mine,1/2 days, which allows me to still focus on Jayson's School and my Photography!
Now Jayson and I will slip back into the drivers seat of this well oiled machine we have built together, and burns some rubber this school year!!!!
I will be adding blogging to Jayson's daily responsibilities, so he will really be working on his typing and writing skills.... as I have said previously this will be new and a bit weak at first but he will beef it up as time goes on and he get comfortable with the idea of sharing!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Addition...??? UH Oh!

Well as you can see...
Chloe has laid claim on Jay and Cody!
Chloe is a good dog, she does seem to follow Cody's every move. I think she is learning to be very protective of Jay as is Cody... which is not necessarily a bad thing!
No we did not intend on having any more pets but who could resist that face!